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宣告 Announcement

  1. 業經教育部
    • 112 年 8 月 4 日臺教技(一)字第 1122302267 (A至G)號
    • 112 年 9 月 27 日臺教高(四)字第 1122202912 (A至Z)號
    • 112 年 9 月 27 日臺教高(四)字第 1122229121 (A至U)號
    • 112 年 10 月 13 日臺教高(四)字第 1122202915 (A至W)號
    • 112 年 11 月 7 日臺教高(四)字第 1120108593 號
    • 112 年 11 月 8 日臺教技(一)字第 1120110236 號
    • 112 年 11 月 10 日臺教高(四)字第 1120110238 號
    • 112 年 11 月 16 日臺教技(一)字第 1122303326 號
  2. 各梯次名額係依本會 112 年 10 月 13 日第 1 次常務委員會決議事項辦理。
  1. Cases based on Circulars
    • No. Tai-Jiao-Ji-Tzi (1) 1122302267A~1122302267G of 4 August 2023
    • No. Tai-Jiao-Kao-Tzi (4) 1122202912A~1122202912Z of 27 September 2023
    • No. Tai-Jiao-Kao-Tzi (4) 1122229121A~1122229121U of 27 September 2023
    • No. Tai-Jiao-Kao-Tzi (4) 1122202915A~1122202915W of 13 October 2023
    • No. Tai-Jiao-Kao-Tzi (4) 1120108593 of 7 November 2023
    • No. Tai-Jiao-Ji-Tzi (1) 1120110236 of 8 November 2023
    • No. Tai-Jiao-Kao-Tzi (4) 1120110238 of 10 November 2023
    • No. Tai-Jiao-Ji-Tzi (1) 1122303326 of 16 November 2023
    of the Ministry of Education.
  2. Each tier volume is handled in accordance with the rules adopted by our committee on 13 October 2023.


Individual application channel

Overseas Chinese students (including from Hong Kong and Macao) can apply, except for Malaysian students that have finished their Spring semester at NTNU.

  1. 學校名稱、系所名稱皆提供中 / 英文查詢。
  2. 各大學校院設立的「國際專修部(International Foundation Program)」,華語先修課程最長以1年為原則(至少一學期)+至少修業4年之學士學位學程。
  3. 「國際專修部」學生入學後應先進行華語先修,最長以1年為原則(至少一學期),期間僅能進行華語先修課程(每週至少達15小時,1年至少達720小時,華語先修期間不得轉系或轉學),華語先修課程期滿後應達華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)之聽力與閱讀測驗基礎級(A2)標準,始得接續修讀學士班專業課程,未於規定時間內通過標準者,學校逕行退學處分並通報註銷學生居留證,學生須於居留證失效前離境。進入學士班修讀學生升大二時應達華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)之聽力與閱讀測驗進階級(B1)標準。
  4. 華語先修期間不得轉系或轉學,但於正式修讀學士班專業課程1年後,得於製造業、營造業、農業、長期照顧、服務業及電子商務業等相關系所申請轉系或轉學。
  5. 所謂「依一般限制」,係指患有精神病、活動性肺結核、惡性傳染病及重症慢性疾病等情形者,均不得申請。
  6. 身心障礙學生如欲申請赴臺升學,應先了解並自行評估各校系能否依不同需求類別及程度,提供學習輔具資源及生活照輔措施,以作為選填志願之參考,以免造成無法順利就學之困擾。

  1. For Chinese/English search, click Search to see all the departments and graduate schools per category.
  2. The International Foundation Program (IFP) established by various universities and colleges is a “1+4 years degree program”, which includes a maximum 1-year Chinese preparation program (at least one semester), and followed by a minimum 4-year undergraduate degree program.
  3. After admission to the International Foundation Program (IFP), students must undertake Chinese preparation program for a maximum period of one year (at least one semester). During this period, students can only enroll in Chinese preparation program (with a minimum of 15 hours per week, and at least 720 hours total in a year). They can not transfer to other departments or schools during Chinese preparation program period.
    Upon completion of Chinese preparation program, students have to achieve the basic level (A2) of the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) in listening and reading to articulate to their undergraduate program. Those who fail to pass the above requirements within the designated time will be subject to expulsion and reported by the school, and their Alien Resident Certificate will be revoked. They must leave Taiwan before the expiry of Alien Resident Certificate.
    For students promoting to second year of their undergraduate program, they must meet the intermediate level (B1) of the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) in listening and reading.
  4. During the Chinese preparation program period, students are not allowed to transfer to other departments or schools. However, after one year in the undergraduate program, students may apply for a transfer to related departments or schools in Manufacturing, Construction, Agriculture, Long-Term Care, Service Industries and E-Commerce Industries.
  5. “General limitations” refers to persons suffering mental illness, active tuberculosis, malignant infectious diseases, and severe chronic diseases. They are barred from applying.
  6. Students with mental or physical needs must, prior to their application, assess whether their university departments of choice offer the support facilities and services needed for their type and degree of needs to enable smooth studies and living.

系所查詢 Department and graduate school search

選擇學校 Select university
選擇過濾條件 Select filter

查詢結果 Search results

志願代碼Code 學校名稱University 系組名稱Department 隸屬類組Category 個人申請Individual Application 全英語授課English-instructed Program 是否招收中五學制畢業生From 5 graduate can apply
名額Quota 審查項目Required documents 緬甸師培Myanmar Teacher Education Project